Each operator was responsible for deploying proposed technologies in its system.



ELES, Ltd., Electricity Transmission System Operator (ELES; now ELES, d.o.o., combined transmission and distribution system operator)

ELES has the exclusive right to perform the service of the combined transmission and distribution system operator in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. With its professional approach, know-how and advanced technology, the Company provides for the safe, reliable and uninterrupted transmission of electricity across Slovenia and beyond its borders. ELES responsibly and sustainably plans, constructs and maintains the Slovenian high-voltage transmission grid on three voltage levels: 400 kV, 220 kV and part of 110 kV. Through strategic innovation projects, the company is developing the transmission grid of the future.




Croatian Transmission System Operator Plc. (HOPS)

HOPS has the exclusive right to perform the activity of electricity transmission system operator in the territory of the Republic of Croatia. It is the owner of the entire Croatian transmission grid at the 400 kV, 220 kV and 110 kV voltage levels. The company is responsible for grid development, electricity system management, and for ensuring uninterrupted electricity transmission.




SODO electricity distribution system operator, d. o. o. (SODO; now ELES, d.o.o., combined transmission and distribution system operator)

SODO performs the public utility service of electricity distribution system operator in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. The company ensures the reliable, safe and effective supply of electricity to more than 945,000 users of the distribution grid in Slovenia. By adequate planning of the grid's development, its construction, management and operation as well as maintenance, SODO ensures the long-term grid capacity, which enables reasonable demands for connection and access to the grid in line with applicable standards in the areas of voltage quality and electricity supply.




HEP-Operator distribucijskog sustava d.o.o. (HEP ODS)

HEP ODS is acompany in the HEP Group, and covers 21 distribution areas in the territory of the Republic of Croatia. For the needs of grid users, HEP ODS performs the service of electricity distribution, which includes access to the grid and its use. HEP ODS is responsible for the quality of supplied electricity to all end-users.

