They visited the national control centers in Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Zagreb (Croatia). They found out more about the key functionalities of the system for dynamic thermal rating of transmission line capacities, the virtual cross-border control center and all interventions in ICT systems. CINEA representatives also visited the site in Slovenia, where one of the innovative weather stations that provides weather data to the SUMO system is mounted. They also visited five substations in Slovenia and Croatia. In Slovenia, they saw a battery energy storage system in Okroglo; in Beričevo, we presented work progress for installing a static compensator STATCOM; and in Divača they visited an already operating variable shunt reactor and energy capacitor with a damping network. They visited Mraclin and Melina substations in Croatia where variable shunt reactors are integrated into the Croatian energy system.
All devices installed within the SINCRO.GRID project will optimize voltage and reactive power in the Slovenian and Croatian transmission power networks, and the VCBCC system will coordinate their operation.
Representatives of the CINEA agency praised the work and activities that have been done so far and called for the equally successful completion of the project.