The 400/51.5 kV transformer, which is part of installing a static synchronous compensator in the Beričevo substation, successfully arrived at the Beričevo substation last night. In the next two weeks, assembly work on the foundations and the final assembly of the device will take place. The commissioning itself is planned together with the commissioning of the static synchronous compensator in April next year.
The power of the 400 / 51.5 kV transformer, manufactured in the Kolektor Etra factory, is 150 Mvar, and it will be used exclusively for the operation of the compensation device. The construction of the transformer, which deviates slightly from the standard ones, was also a novelty for Kolektor Etra. It took place under supervision and following the specifications of the manufacturer of the STATCOM, the GE from Finland.
According to the project manager for the installation of compensation devices, Jernej Majcen, the first phase of the SINCRO.GRID project will be successfully completed with the launch of the compensator, which will enable comprehensive voltage management on the 400 kV network in Slovenia and the 200 kV network in Croatia.