Today the EU Member States consented to the European Commission's proposal to invest EUR 444 million in priority energy infrastructure projects. Among the applications received in the second tender at the end of 2016, the Commission selected 18 priority projects that will receive funding under the Connecting Europe Facility: seven in the field of electricity, one in the field of smart grids, and 10 gas projects.
The SINCRO.GRID project was selected in the field of smart grids. The project is coordinated by ELES and includes the following partners: Croatian transmission system operator HOPS, the Slovenian distribution system operator SODO, and the Croatian distribution system operator HEP-ODS. The value of the project is EUR 88.6 million, of which the European Commission will contribute up to EUR 40.5 million. The purpose of the SINCRO.GRID project is to provide for more efficient use of the existing electricity transmission and distribution grids in Slovenia and Croatia. This will enable the existing infrastructure to cope with the uptake of additional renewable energy and ensure more reliable electricity supply.